Selasa, 17 April 2012

1 of Biography Sciencetist

Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal (1623 1662 AD) was born in Clermont Ferrand on 19 June 1623.Her father Etienne Pascal, a royal adviser and later president of the Court of Aidsat Clermont. His mother died when he was 3 years old, leaving him and his two sisters, Gilberte and Jacqueline. In 1631 his family moved to Paris.

         Since the age of 12 years, he has invited his father to attend regular gatheringsmathematical discussion. His father taught him the language, especially Latin andGreek, but not mathematics. His father accidentally skip math lesson to Pascalsolely to provoke curiosity of the child. Pascal He experimented with geometric forms, and found the standard geometry formulas and give the name of the formula with his own name.

       In 1640 the Pascal family moved to Rouen. At that time, he still taught by his father, Blaise worked with such intensity that his own health deteriorated. His labor was in vain, he finally found a beautiful theorems in geometry.

       Sometimes he called the theorem as a "mystic hexagram" a theorem about the intersection between the line of equality. Not a theorem which simply calculatesthe balance of form, but, more fundamentally and importantly, the time it had neverdeveloped into a branch of mathematics - geometry projection. Pascal then set to work on a book, Essay on Conics, which finished in 1640, where the mystic hexagram was the main, that several hundred propositions on the cone, as well as the work of Apollonius, was remarkable not only because he is still very when it is young (16 years) but also because of its tangens elements, etc.
The Pensees
       News about Pascal's personal life since he came into life at Port Royal. His sister,Gilberte saw him live ascetic lives. Pascal, but do not really like to see her sisterwas busy with her
​​children, who are also annoyed with pembicaraannnya only about the affairs of women. 1658 began suffering headaches rising, and he died on August 19, 1662.
Pascal theory gives effect to the mathematical theory at the time Pascal began lifeat Port Royal which is used to overcome problems associated with the calculation of curves and circles, which also must be mastered by modern mathematicians. Hepublished many theorems are presented as a challenge to other mathematicians tosolve, no one is answering. Then the answer came from John Wallis, ChristopherWren, Christian Huygens, and his friends, without satisfactory results. Pascal finallypublished his own answer using the pseudonym Amos DettonviIle (later known asLouis de Montalte anagram), and mathematicians now often call themselves by that name.
   BY : Irvina

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