* Prelude -Entrance to Musicland-
A story we shall tell, from folklore long ago;
Let us tell a great, fantastic, tremendous fairy tale...
Suddenly I open my eyes to see a white hare,
Taking off in such a hurry... so I shall chase after...
* Busy Rabbit
Ticka-tocka-ticka-tocka, gotta make haste, or I'm gonna be late!
Oh, ticka-tocka-ticka-tocka, I've had enough interruptions!
Come, ticka-tocka-ticka-tocka, time is only marching on!
I, the rabbit, have no time to hare!
Say, what on earth is going on that you're in such a hurry?
Have you an important date? A somewhere, a someone, and a someplace?
Why yes! And when it comes to tick-tock-time, she is quite severe!
"That bad?" "Yes indeed!"
Because "she" is the QUEEN!
Dilly-dally, such and such, tick-tock - anyway, I have no time!
If you want to talk, just save it for another day!
Well then, just tell me one thing... Why, at a time like this,
Are you still singing so cheerfully?
Why, this is Musicland! Musicland?
Yes, Musicland! A wonderland!
Because this... is Musicland!
If you'll excuse me, I'll be off! Goodbye, farewell, until we meet again!
Oh, what a wondrous world this must be...
What could be awaiting me ahead, I wonder...?
* Happy Singer
Young lady! Eh...?
Young lady! Me?
"Yes, young lady!" "What is it?"
"Who are you?" "My name is..."
"Oh, are you your name?"
Explain yourself - who are YOU?
Who am I? Let me try asking!
Who am I? Why, I don't know!
Who are you? Come, tell me!
Who am I? Oh, I can't tell myself!
All I know for sure is that when I'm singing,
It's what makes me happiest of all!
You love music, so as you sing...
Bit by bit, I come to see!
I find that here, I surely have reason to live!
"And so, I am..." "Yes, and I too must be..."
The greatest singer of them all!
* Crazy Tea Time
Now from where could I be hearing this most curious of rhythms?
Ho there, it is I! Is it I? Now, just sit down, and we can begin!
How would you like some tea? How would you like some tea?
Drink it down joyfully, and the world will dance too!
How would you like some tea? Come, here's some tea!
Ahh! What a bizarre flavor!
Once you're all-too-used to ordinary tastes,
It all gets so monotonous!
It's so boring to be ordinary!
And anyone who knows it will proceed to go mad!
How would you like some tea? Come, how would you like some tea?
You must be curious - be mad like us!
How would you like some tea? Come, here's some tea!
Ah, a wonderfully mad teatime indeed!
* Invisible Cat
Lost deep in the forest, a voice beckons me...
It echoes in the dense fog - now, which is my path?
Is it there, or that, or which, or this?
So indecisive, young lady!
But I am just the same!
Hither and thither are the roads I walk!
Ah, joy, and sadness, and even love;
When you lay out all the things you wish to sing...
You'll grow unsure of what you wanted at the start...
And in the end, I'll find...
That which an invisible one cannot find... Ruins of music, without personality;
Can you truly call it art? No one can say...
Even if my head is a jumble, being invisible isn't so bad...
But I have decided - and this is the road I have decided!
* The Queen -- Finale
Fortune and sorrow, it's all to her whim...
The path to the Queen, a winding path!
Bow down to the Her Majesty the Queen!
I am the Queen of all! I don't suppose you've got a problem?
When I sing, everyone stops dead and listens!
My aura makes all things obey!
"You are the Queen?" "Yeah, and you better remember it!"
"Such a beautiful voice!" "Well, isn't THAT obvious?"
Now, let the orchestra begin!
Play my music!
Piano! Wood bass! Drums! Brass section!
Everyone, listen to ME! Everyone, play for ME!
Everything is MINE! Because I AM the Queen!
Wait just one second! This is music! And music is for everyone to play!
Whether you're a weirdo, or you're out of sorts,
Or you're in a big hurry, it can bring you such happiness!
Everyone has their own ways, but together, they come into harmony!
And the reason is simply... WE LOVE MUSIC!!
A story we shall tell, from folklore long ago;
Let us tell a great, fantastic, tremendous fairy tale!
It's to be found everywhere, a magical philosophy!
Hidden deep in the hearts of all... Our Musicland!
Alice in Musicland
How do you get to Musicland?
Over the hill or underland?
Or just behind the tree?
When clouds go rolling by,
They roll away and leave the sky
Where is the land beyond the eye,
That people cannot see?
Where do stars go?
Where is the silver crescent moon?
They must be somewhere,
In the sunny afternoon!
Alice in Musicland
Where is the path to Musicland?
Over the hill, or here, or there?
I really wonder where!
Now we know the answer:
When we're enjoying music,
Always we're in Musicland!
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