Senin, 25 Januari 2016

[CHSI] Imagination Song

The real song is made and sung by Shawn Mendes..
   I don't own anything.. I just re-write it by my situation..

Oh, there he goes again,
Every morning it's the same
You walk on by my desk
I wanna call out your name

I want to tell you how handsome you are from where I'm standing
You got me thinking what we could be 'cause

I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you

This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait, I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever

In my dreams you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we hug for the first time
Or is that just me and my imagination

We walk, we laugh, we spend our time walking by the corridor
Our hands are gently intertwined
A feeling I just can't describe

All this time we spent alone, thinking we could not belong to something so damn beautiful
So damn beautiful..

I keep craving, craving, you don't know it, but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you

This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait, I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever

In my dreams, you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we hug for the first time
Or is that just me and my imagination

In my dreams, you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we hug for the first time
Or is that just me and my imagination

I keep craving, craving, you don't know it, but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you..
  Agak gimana gitu ya liriknya..
Duh.. sekarang segini dulu aja kah..?  :'3

Jumat, 15 Januari 2016

[CHSI] Hampa

  Rasanya seakan dadaku berlubang.. Kurasakan angin dengan mudah melewati lubang itu..

           Entah kenapa hatiku terasa hampa..

  Aku melihat foto profil seseorang.. Entahlah.. Aku tak tahu pasti siapa.. Yang kutahu, Dia☆ ada disana.. bersama seorang perempuan sebayanya.. tersenyum bersama...

   Aku berharap mataku salah lihat..! Hatiku terasa hampa...
                                 Hampa.. Hampa.. Hampa...

   Aku begitu penasaran hingga mengirim pesan padanya☆ di salahsatu akun media sosial..

        Dia☆ menjawab tidak..

  Aku menatap layar handphone-ku... benar.. Dia☆ tidak memasang foto profil... 
                                Apakah aku salah lihat..?!             -Kuharap iya

                         Lalu foto profil siapa....

    Hatiku bertanya-tanya tak jelas..
  Pikiranku mulai berspekulasi sendiri yang membuatku merasa hampa...

    Mulutku serasa ingin berteriak, tapi tak bisa mengeluarkan suara...
    Mataku serasa ingin menangis, tapi tak bisa mengeluarkan air mata...
   Tapi hatiku benar-benar terasa sesak.. bukan retak... Hanya rasa sesak.. Seakan oksigen disekitarku mulai menipis... Seperti ada sebuah tekanan yang sangat kuat di dadaku..
                             Apa yang terjadi...
                                     Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi....?
               Bisakah seseorang berikan aku jawabannya...?

       Jika terus begini.. Hatiku bisa benar-benar retak... bahkan hancur..
    Tertekan akan rasa saling percaya..
  Tertekan akan pengkhianatan..
Aku akan kembali memakai topeng tersenyumku..
Untuk menyembunyikan wajahku yang sudah mulai retak.. dan hancur..